Make ART-Help the Earth

Make Art and Help the Earth

The Art for Earth project is Back and on sale for just 7 days!

I have some wonderful news! My friend Tam from Willowing Arts has been worried about climate change for a while now, and she wanted to make a meaningful difference/ contribution to the fight against climate change. This is how Art for Earth project was born.

I'm excited to be a part of this program for the first time this year along with 45 other amazing artists from around the world. In this package, you will receive over 85 products valued at over $4000 USD for fraction of the cost.

25% of all proceeds go back to the TreeSisters organization which plants trees all over the globe.

For the next 7 days, you can purchase this huge package for approx $105 USD dollars or 75 GBP!

So, if you buy this package; you’d be making art while helping to heal the earth!

Sounds good? Then add this product to your cart and get arting! Yay!

This package is only on sale for 7 DAYS! Don’t miss out!
The sale runs from 29th March to 4th April 2021.

To learn more and for a full list of the online classes, lessons, E-Books, prints, and other amazing products, please go here and read more about Art for Earth

Thank you so much for being a part of this creative project that also helps the Earth

Jodi Ohl