Moving Forward with a Bit of Direction

I just looked at the journal that I use for my yearly plans and more inner/business self-reflection, and it appears I’ve been following this rundown of list-making for the year for four years now!  Wow.   That’s a record for me!  I can’t take the credit for the idea of this annual list, however.  If you are a regular listener to the “Happier” podcast with Gretchen Rubin and her sister, Liz Craft, you will recognize the process right away.

I know, I know.  List-making and resolutions aren’t for everyone.  I seem to do better though when I have direction in life.  Direction with a healthy dose of flexibility that is.   I am not beating myself up there are a few ‘wanna-dos’, straggling on left unfinished at the end of the year.   I do celebrate what I am able to accomplish each year, many things of which I probably wouldn’t have even attempted to do without writing out these lists.


For those not familiar with this type of list making for the year, you simply write out several items you would like to accomplish, do, stop doing, see, start, or experience each year that correlate with the year. For instance, in 2018, you would have made a list called “18 in 2018”.  This year, it is of course, “21 in 21”.


With 2020 being quite the, umm, shall we say sh&t show, some of these items are carry overs from the previous year.  Others just seem appropriate based on everything I have experienced over the last year. 


I hope you decide to create a list for this year!  Be sure to include lots of fun things, too. Not everything has to be serious or a mountain to climb in order to garner a bullet point on the list.  



Here’s what my 21 in 21 list entails:


1.       Read or listen to 18 books.

2.       Live the motto: “You can do a lot in 10 minutes”.

3.       Work on cleaning out hotspots at my house.  Closets, studio, shelves, laundry room.

4.       Teach myself Yoga (and practice it weekly).

5.       Keep a written journal daily.  Spend 30-45 minutes each morning writing in it.

6.       Write more this year. Get back to where I started through:  Articles, blog posts, journaling.

7.       Use Trello for to-dos and ideas.  Limit list-making on paper to stay organized.

8.       Take a solo trip that’s not for work, but I can paint and work while away.  Like a self-designed residency.

9.        Work on paintings that have been left undone.  I made a lot of progress last year but there’s still more to go.

10.     Focus on video for work such as Instagram reels, stories, zoom, and live chats.

11.    Try a new recipe weekly. Bonus points if it is healthy.

12.    Work on keeping my connections with my sisters and family.

13.    Work on my posture and strength to help my back and hip.  Weight bands, yoga, etc. will help.

14.    Spend more time visiting the Grandbabies and my boys

15.    Get a new countertop for my kitchen and investigate painting the cabinets/replacing hardware.

16.     Find ways to serve other artists & families in need because of this pandemic.

17.     Shop small businesses as much as possible.

18.     Take a sister weekend trip.

19.     Weekly time-outs for fun.  Treat myself for staying on task during the previous week.

20.    Work on a few predetermined collections this year to expand my own depth of knowledge.

21.     Send written notes and cards as Mom used to do for Birthdays and other special occasions. She was so good at that and I want to be sure to honor her by remembering others.

 So that’s my list. I know that I need to be flexible this year, so the list my shrink, or it may grow as time goes on. Whatever happens, I’m just hoping my quest to build a stronger foundation will help me to stand up to whatever the year brings.

Until next time,


While I have you, I’m excited to let you know that one of my first online classes (it’s probably my 5th class I ever presented online), Podtastic, is back for an encore performance over on my new workshop website!

It’s been a year-long project to move courses from Creative Workshops to my new website, but we are finally complete and ready to move on to some new offerings.

I’ve lowered the price on this course as it is one of my classic courses and is now completely self-study. The regular price was $85. The new low price is $55. For a LIMITED TIME (1/31/2021), you can pick up my course for only $49.

To read more about the course and to register. Simply go HERE and take a look.